Located at the heart of the Red Sea, we are the only farm across Africa and the Middle East specialising in sustainably breeding premium-quality Cultured Tridacna clams. Additionally, we are the only company with the official license to export marine life from Egypt. Our work directly contributes to restoring the Tridacna population in the Red Sea and helps maintain the health of coral reefs, which have suffered from overfishing. Alongside our breeding efforts, our facility includes unique features like a wet lab and a museum.
Sustainable Breeding
Our breeding facility is running completely under natural conditions. Sustainability is at the core of our mission. The clams we breed are partly used to rehabilitate the Red Sea clams, ensuring the health of the clam population. Our practices contribute to marine biodiversity conservation and reef ecosystems’ long-term health.
From the moment our clams spawn, we keep the millions of tiny trochophores in tanks within our wet lab. This lab has over 25 large tanks, all filled with filtered seawater. Our team carefully nurtures these ‘baby’ clams by changing the water daily and feeding them algae. As the clams develop, they progress through several stages: from trochophores to veliger, pediveliger, metamorphosis, and finally, juvenile clams.
Despite our care, the mortality rate remains high during these stages. After approximately 1.5 years, the juvenile clams reach about 3 cm in size. At this point, we transfer them to the growing area.
Growing Area
The growing area consists of two land cracks (fissures) created thousands of years ago by an earthquake. It is connected to the sea via an underwater supply without a direct open connection. The clams continue to grow here until they reach marketable sizes of over 5 cm. We offer clams ranging from 5 to 10 cm.
Rehabilitation of Red Sea Clams
We work to restore the clam population in the Red Sea. Some of our clams, which are less in demand by the marine life market, are still beautiful, healthy, and strong. We use these clams to restock the Tridacna population. Interestingly, a clam’s colour depends on the single-cell algae, zooxanthellae, in its tissue/mantle. Therefore, a blue or green clam can produce brown, green, blue, or purple offspring.
Tridacna clams and zooxanthellae live in symbiosis, and relatively minor changes to the nutrient content of the water can significantly affect the biochemistry of this relationship. Consequently, our operation faces challenges due to extreme temperatures resulting from climate change.
Professional Packing and Shipping
On packing day, we transfer the clams from the growing area to the wet lab. Each clam is manually checked for health and size in the wet lab. We also carefully clean each shell to ensure they look their best.
The clams are then packed in double plastic bags with filtered water and oxygen added to keep them comfortable. These bags are securely sealed to prevent any oxygen or water from escaping. The sealed bags are placed inside foam boxes, which are then placed in cardboard boxes. A shipping label with all the required information is attached to the cardboard boxes.
Once all the clams are packed, we transport them by truck from Port Ghalib to Cairo International Airport, a 12-hour journey. Thanks to the cooled and temperature-controlled truck and the packing that includes water, oxygen, and foam boxes, our clams stay comfortable.
Once cleared, the clams are ready for shipment! We use different airlines, such as EgyptAir, British Airways, and Lufthansa, to ensure the best connection to your destination.
Ensuring exceptionally low DOA rates
Our professional packing methods and careful attention to detail ensure minimal stress for the clams during transit. This guarantees that you receive healthy and vibrant clams every time. We take pride in maintaining an exceptionally low dead-on-arrival (DOA) rate.
Premium Quality Cultured Clams
Our cultured clams are of premium quality. Their stunning colours offer a glimpse of the Red Sea’s beauty, which we strive to preserve through rehabilitation efforts. Additionally, we collaborate with HEPCA (Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association) to carry out essential research and conservation efforts. Compared to wild-caught clams, cultured ones are easier to care for and adapt well to varying lighting and water conditions. So our clams are your best choice!
Professional Team and Service
Heading our breeding efforts is Dr. Mahmoud Hanafy, a renowned marine biologist, distinguished HEPCA board member, and professor at Suez Canal University. Additionally, our team includes former local fishermen with extensive expertise in snorkeling and diving, who nurture our clams for over two years before they are available for sale on the market.
We are dedicated to offering top-quality clams and outstanding service! Our team works around the clock to ensure you receive the best service. We value honesty and trust, and we are dedicated to our customers. We guarantee open and transparent communication at all times. From the initial order to the shipping day, we support our customers by arranging freight and providing all necessary official documents.
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Customer Reviews
We proudly offer our clams worldwide, spanning from Asia, Europe, North America and South America, and we deeply appreciate our loyal customers.
The clams came in really well, they settled in really nicely, and the colouration is looking great.
We were very pleased by the size, quality, and colouration of the clams.
The clams are looking good at our warehouse today.
Thank you for the shipment, it arrived great.